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Introducing MAIA: our AI that can resume, analyze and transcribe any legal document.

We are speeding up justice in your community.

Let's talk numbers:


of increase at the speed of reviewing contracts and legal documents, no matter the number of pages.


of accuracy from speech-to-text transcriptions, including punctuation. In seconds.


satisfaction or your money back.

Como funciona?

Unlock the power of MAIA

Dramatically reduce time spent on manual office activities and spend more energy on the human aspect of law.

Document Analysis

What was the accusation? When was the sentence given? What is the defendant's name?

Question MAIA about any topic of the uploaded document and she will be able to answer, including indicating the page where she got the answer from.

Contract Review

What are the penalties? When is the deadline? Who are the parties involved?

Ask MAIA for any item relating to a contract and it will respond in seconds, also indicating the source.

Audio Transcription

Upload the audio or video of a testimony, hearing or any other material and MAIA will transcribe it instantly.

One click and hours of audio turned into text with 99% fidelity, including punctuation.

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  • Who we are

Brazilians, engineers, young people, salespeople and technology lovers. 9V is a startup that was born at the end of 2022 with the aim of bringing technology solutions to companies in Brazil, and that in 2023 finds its main strength: artificial intelligence. 

Through AI, we heal the pain of manual inefficiencies in data analysis. Our main solution, MAIA, incorporates this very well: it reviews, summarizes, analyzes and transcribes documents, audios and videos to save time in your daily life to focus more on decisions and less on boring reading PDFs or listening to long audios.

[Our transcriptions] used to take hours to do, now with 3 clicks everything is solved. Brazilian society wins.

Court of justice

I wasted hours of my day searching for simple information in giant documents... after MAIA I have more time to take care of the client.

Independent Lawyer

Our lawyers now handle more cases in the same number of hours. Productivity increased along with quality.

Law firm

Question in any language
Teach AI for more accurate answers
Need help?

Companies we've Inspired with Our Transformation



Leopard Inc

Vitor Alves

CEO & Founder

An ambitious Brazilian engineer and hacker with a passion for Software, Security, Data and AI. With a solid background in data and applications, he improved his skills through experiences at prestigious financial institutions such as Safra, Santander, BTG, Paypal, Shell and others.

Victor Pompei

COO & Founder

Vitor Pompei was responsible for creating the product vision and sales strategy. Furthermore, Pompei has a career working on building various digital products at companies such as Itaú, Santander, Safra, The Bridge, FIAP, Unoeste, Toledo and FutFanatics.

:Meet our founders

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Quais são os protocolos de segurança?

  • Descarte automático de arquivos processados: uma vez que a IA aprende a informação, o arquivo original não é mais necessário, portanto, é descartado.

    Eliminamos assim qualquer possibilidade de vazamento de arquivos.

  • Criptografia: todas os dados são criptografados no banco de dados. As mensagens trocadas com a IA possuem criptografia extra.

  • Isolamento: todas as conversas são isoladas umas das outras. A MAIA nunca irá responder algo de outro arquivo na conversa atual.

    Todas as linhas do banco de dados são isoladas e acessadas individualmente pela conta logada. 

Em resumo, segurança máxima.

Upload multiple files

Our Partners

Parceiro AWS
Parceiro Stripe
Parceiro Supabase
  • MAIA

A MAIA é a primeira solução desenvolvida por nós: uma plataforma que permite adicionar múltiplas fontes de dados (arquivos de texto, áudio, vídeo, links do youtube etc) e depois interagir com essas fontes. 

Cenário mais comum: um processo judicial em PDF é carregado na plataforma e o usuário pergunta pra MAIA coisas como:

  1. Resuma esse processo

  2. Qual foi a linha de raciocínio utilizada pela defesa?

  3. Qual é a acusação mencionada?

  4. Qual o nome do réu?

Em segundos, a MAIA fornece as respostas e as páginas de onde extraiu a informação, para fins de conferência e auditoria. Caso a resposta seja inconclusiva ou a MAIA não entenda a pergunta, ela irá informar isso também.

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Tel: +55 11 959-382-132

Av. Brg. Faria Lima, 1572

© 2024,  made with  ❤️, by humans on 🌎. 100% 🇧🇷.

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A legal assistant for any business

Available 24/7, on weekends and holidays.

Órgãos de Justiça, Investigação e Registro Oficial

Ministério Público

Tribunais de Justiça

Delegacias de Polícia

Cartórios e Tabeliões

Serviços Legais, Assistência Jurídica e Ética Profissional

Escritórios de Advocacia

Defensoria Pública

Conselhos de Ética

Educação Jurídica, Direitos Humanos e Preservação Histórica

Instituições de Ensino Jurídico

Organizações de Direitos Humanos

Arquivos Nacionais e Bibliotecas Públicas

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